
trait Transportive[F[_]] extends Functor[F]
trait Functor[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def inL[A, B]: A |*| F[B] -⚬ F[A |*| B]
def outL[A, B]: F[A |*| B] -⚬ A |*| F[B]

Concrete methods

def excludeFst[A, B]: F[A |*| B] -⚬ A |*| F[B]

Alias for outL.

Alias for outL.

def excludeSnd[A, B]: F[A |*| B] -⚬ F[A] |*| B

Alias for outR.

Alias for outR.

def getL[A](implicit A: Cosemigroup[A]): F[A] -⚬ A |*| F[A]
def getR[A](implicit A: Cosemigroup[A]): F[A] -⚬ F[A] |*| A
def inR[A, B]: F[A] |*| B -⚬ F[A |*| B]
def includeFst[A, B]: A |*| F[B] -⚬ F[A |*| B]

Alias for inL.

Alias for inL.

def includeSnd[A, B]: F[A] |*| B -⚬ F[A |*| B]

Alias for inR.

Alias for inR.

def lens[A]: Lens[F[A], A]
def outR[A, B]: F[A |*| B] -⚬ F[A] |*| B

Inherited methods

def lift[A, B](f: A -⚬ B): F[A] -⚬ F[B]
Inherited from:
def [G[_]](that: ContraFunctor[G]): ContraFunctor[[x] =>> F[G[x]]]

Composition with a contravariant functor. Results in a contravariant functor.

Composition with a contravariant functor. Results in a contravariant functor.

Inherited from:
def [G[_]](that: Functor[G]): Functor[[x] =>> F[G[x]]]

Composition with another covariant functor.

Composition with another covariant functor.

Inherited from: