
Libretto Basics

A concurrent program in Libretto DSL is a pure value of a certain type (such as the type Done -⚬ Done or Done -⚬ Val[String]). Such a value is a mere description, or blueprint, of a program to be executed. The blueprint can then be passed to an interpreter for execution.

Programmer's task is then to write Scala code that first assembles a blueprint and then passes is to an interpreter for execution. We thus think of run-time as split into assembly time and execution time.


sbt project setup

You will need Scala 3 in order to use Libretto. Scala 3 requires a fairly recent version of sbt. Specify the sbt version in your project/ file:


In your build.sbt, set the Scala version to Scala 3 and add the dependency on Libretto:

scalaVersion := "3.3.1"

libraryDependencies += "dev.continuously" %% "libretto-core" % "0.2-M6"

Check Maven Central for the latest version of Libretto.


The code snippets below use these imports:

import libretto.scaletto.StarterKit.dsl.*
import libretto.scaletto.StarterKit.dsl.$.*

Building blocks

Libretto programs are composed of components with typed in-ports and out-ports, such as this one:

┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│          ╎C│
┟─┘          ┟─┘
┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎B│          ╎D│
┟─┘          ┟─┘

We draw in-ports on the left and out-ports on the right.

The in-ports and out-ports define the interface of a component.

We can think of a component as a part of a system that runs autonomously and communicates with the rest of the system through its in-ports and out-ports.

☝️ Do not assume that through in-ports information flows into the component and through out-ports information flows out of the component. That may or may not be the case. In general, information may flow in either direction or even in both directions through an in-port as well as through an out-port. However, the distinction between in-ports and out-ports is important for composition, see below.

Maximum concurrency

We can be sure that event e2 happens after event e1 only if e2 causally depends on e1. If there is no causal dependence between e1 and e2, then they happen concurrently (☝️ but not necessarily in parallel).

This is different from what most people are used to. It usually takes some work to make things happen concurrently. In Libretto, it takes some work to make things happen sequentially if there is no natural causal dependence between them.

As we proceed, we will get an idea of what does and what does not introduce a causal dependence.

Sequential composition

We can connect an out-port to an in-port (but not to another out-port) of the same type on another component. For example, these two components f and g

┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓    ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┞─┐          ┞─┐  ┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│    f     ╎B│  ╎B│    g     ╎C│
┟─┘          ┟─┘  ┟─┘          ┟─┘
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

can be composed into a composite component g ⚬ f

┞─┐                            ┞─┐
╎A│           g ⚬ f            ╎C│
┟─┘                            ┟─┘

☝️ Although we call it sequential composition, do not assume thatg takes place "after" f, in a temporal or causal sense. There may or may not be causal dependence in either direction, or even both directions simultaneously. We would need know the interface type B and possibly the inner workings of the components to make judgments about causal dependence. In general, processing can take place in g even before any information passes through the B interface.

Parallel composition

Any two components f, g

┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│    f     ╎C│
┟─┘          ┟─┘
┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎B│    g     ╎D│
┟─┘          ┟─┘

can be put alongside each other (parallel to each other) to form their parallel composition f ⊗ g

┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│          ╎C│
┟─┘  f ⊗ g   ┟─┘
┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎B│          ╎D│
┟─┘          ┟─┘

Scala notation

The graphical notation is useful for a human, but eventually we have to express our Libretto program by means of the host language, Scala.

A component f with one in-port of type A and one out-port of type B

┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│    f     ╎B│
┟─┘          ┟─┘

is a value f of type A -⚬ B.

The funny arrow-like symbol, -⚬, also called a lollipop, is borrowed from linear logic where it denotes linear implication and in Libretto we similarly call it a linear function. We will also call it simply an arrow if there is no risk of confusion with other things called arrows. So we use the terms component, linear function and arrow as synonyms.

☝️ Although we call -⚬ a linear function, some intuitions one might have about Scala functions (=>) do not transfer to -⚬. With a Scala function, there is nothing going on inside it until we pass all the inputs to it. Once we get the output (and we get the whole output all at once), the Scala function is done. Remember, however, that Libretto's linear function is a component, a part of the system that runs on its own and perhaps communicates with its environment through the ports. However, composition of Libretto's linear functions works just like composition of Scala functions.

In Scala, we model multiple in-ports as a single in-port of a composite type, and similarly for out-ports. As an example, a component f with two in-ports of types A and B and two out-ports of types C and D

┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│          ╎C│
┟─┘    f     ┟─┘
┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎B│          ╎D│
┟─┘          ┟─┘

is represented as a value f: (A ⊗ B) -⚬ (C ⊗ D). The expression X ⊗ Y represents a concurrent pair of X and Y, sometimes referred to simply as X times Y. It is also called a tensor product or a monoidal product (of a monoidal category).

Because the ⊗ symbol is usually not very intelligible in monospace fonts (e.g. hardly distinguishable from ⊕, compare vs. ), in code we usually use |*| for the concurrent pair. The above component is then f: (A |*| B) -⚬ (C |*| D).

The operator for sequential composition introduced above is andThen (again, do not assume any temporal meaning):

def andThen[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ B, g: B -⚬ C): A -⚬ C

There are syntactic extensions that let us write

The operator for parallel composition is par:

def par[A, B, C, D](
  f: A -⚬ B,
  g: C -⚬ D,
): (A |*| C) -⚬ (B |*| D)


For any type A there is an identity function (component)

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┞─┐          ┞─┐
 *  ╎A│  id[A]   ╎A│
 *  ┟─┘          ┟─┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def id[A]: A -⚬ A

All it does is relay information from in-ports to out-ports and from out-ports to in-ports, unchanged. It can be thought of as an extension cord. It is not useful by itself, but it comes in handy in compositions.

As an example, say that we want to connect the second out-port of f: A -⚬ (B |*| C) to the in-port of g: C -⚬ D. In the graphical notation, it is tempting to just put them next to each other like this:

┃           ┞─┐
┃           ╎B│
┞─┐         ┟─┘
╎A│   f     ┣━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┟─┘         ┞─┐         ┞─┐
┃           ╎C│    g    ╎D│
┃           ┟─┘         ┟─┘

But how would we do it in Scala using only what we already know, namely sequential and parallel composition? We can first place id[B] parallel to g, obtaining

                    ┞─┐         ┞─┐
                    ╎B│  id[B]  ╎B│
                    ┟─┘         ┟─┘
par(id[B], g)   =   ┠╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
                    ┞─┐         ┞─┐
                    ╎C│    g    ╎D│
                    ┟─┘         ┟─┘

and then place it after f, obtaining

                        ┃           ├─┐         ┞─┐
                        ┃           ╎B│  id[B]  ╎B│
                        ┞─┐         ├─┘         ┟─┘
f > par(id[B], g)   =   ╎A│   f     ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
                        ┟─┘         ├─┐         ┞─┐
                        ┃           ╎C│    g    ╎D│
                        ┃           ├─┘         ┟─┘

There are shortcuts for transforming just one part of a concrrent pair, like above, using identity in the other part:

/** Applies `f` to the first part of a concurrent pair. */
def fst[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ C): (A |*| B) -⚬ (C |*| B) =
  par(f, id[B])

/** Applies `g` to the second part of a concurrent pair. */
def snd[A, B, C](g: B -⚬ C): (A |*| B) -⚬ (A |*| C) =
  par(id[A], g)

Associativity of ⊗

If we are designing a component with more than two in-ports or out-ports, such as this one,

┃            ┞─┐
┃            ╎B│
┃            ┟─┘
┞─┐          ┞─┐
╎A│    f     ╎C│
┟─┘          ┟─┘
┃            ┞─┐
┃            ╎D│
┃            ┟─┘

we need to choose how to group the ports using ⊗ (|*|) in the Scala representation. For the above component, there are two possibilities:

f1: A -⚬ ((B |*| C) |*| D)
f2: A -⚬ (B |*| (C |*| D))

Sometimes one way is more natural than the other, but often it is an arbitrary choice. We need not worry about it too much, though, because the grouping does not matter: we can always regroup the ports using

def assocLR[X, Y, Z]: ((X |*| Y) |*| Z) -⚬ (X |*| (Y |*| Z))
def assocRL[X, Y, Z]: (X |*| (Y |*| Z)) -⚬ ((X |*| Y) |*| Z)
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓             ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┞─┐              ┞─┐           ┞─┐              ┞─┐
╎X│              ╎X│           ╎X│              ╎X│
╎⊗│              ┟─┘           ┟─┘              ╎⊗│
╎Y│   assocLR    ┞─┐           ┞─┐   assocRL    ╎Y│
┟─┘              ╎Y│           ╎Y│              ┟─┘
┞─┐              ╎⊗│           ╎⊗│              ┞─┐
╎Z│              ╎Z│           ╎Z│              ╎Z│
┟─┘              ┟─┘           ┟─┘              ┟─┘
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛             ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

Thus, if we have

def f1: A -⚬ ((B |*| C) |*| D) =

we can always get

def f2: A -⚬ (B |*| (C |*| D)) =
  f1 > assocLR

Symmetry of ⊗

The relative order of ports does not matter, either.

If, for example, we have a component

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┞─┐              ┞─┐
 *  ╎A│              ╎C│
 *  ┟─┘              ┟─┘
 *  ┃       g1       ┞─┐
 *  ┃                ╎D│
 *  ┞─┐              ╎⊗│
 *  ╎B│              ╎E│
 *  ┟─┘              ┟─┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def g1: (A |*| B) -⚬ (C |*| (D |*| E)) =

and need

def g2: (B |*| A) -⚬ ((E |*| D) |*| C) =

we can "easily" get it using swap

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┞─┐              ┞─┐
 *  ╎X│              ╎Y│
 *  ┟─┘  swap[X,Y]   ┟─┘
 *  ┞─┐              ┞─┐
 *  ╎Y│              ╎X│
 *  ┟─┘              ┟─┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def swap[X, Y]: (X |*| Y) -⚬ (Y |*| X)

like this

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┞─┐          ├─┐              ├─┐              ├─┐             ┞─┐
 *  ╎B│          ╎A│              ╎C│              ╎D│             ╎E│
 *  ┟─┘          ├─┘              ├─┘              ╎⊗│  swap[D, E] ╎⊗│
 *  ┃            ╎                ╎ swap[C, D ⊗ E] ╎E│             ╎D│
 *  ┃ swap[B, A] ╎       g1       ├─┐              ├─┘             ┟─┘
 *  ┃            ╎                ╎D│              ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
 *  ┞─┐          ├─┐              ╎⊗│              ├─┐             ┞─┐
 *  ╎A│          ╎B│              ╎E│              ╎C│    id[C]    ╎C│
 *  ┟─┘          ├─┘              ├─┘              ├─┘             ┟─┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
val g2: (B |*| A) -⚬ ((E |*| D) |*| C) =
  swap[B, A] > g1 > swap[C, D |*| E] > par(swap[D, E], id[C])

Okay, that was a lot of glue code to wrap around the function g1. Having to explicitly put in the glue code can be quite distracting from what is going on. Let's just foreshadow here that alternatively, we can use λ-syntax, which generates the glue code automatically:

val g2: (B |*| A) -⚬ ((E |*| D) |*| C) =
  λ { case (b |*| a) =>
    val (c |*| (d |*| e)) = g1(a |*| b)
    (e |*| d) |*| c

More on λ-syntax later.

The no-flow port, One

Sometimes we want a component with no in-ports or no out-ports, such as these ones

┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓            ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃            ┞─┐          ┞─┐          ┃
┃      f     ╎A│          ╎B│    g     ┃
┃            ┟─┘          ┟─┘          ┃
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛            ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

In Scala representation, however, we have to specify the type of in-port and the type of outport. There is a special fake port type, One, through which there is no flow of information in either direction.

We can declare the above two components as

val f: One -⚬ A
val g: B -⚬ One

In graphical notation, we omit One-typed ports if they do not add any value (such as above), but keep them if they do (such as below).

We can freely add and remove One to/from in-ports and/or out-ports using the following primitives:

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓           ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┃             ┞───┐       ┞───┐            ┃
//  ┃             ╎One│       ╎One│            ┃
//  ┃ introFst[A] ┟───┘       ┟───┘ elimFst[A] ┃
//  ┞───┐         ┞───┐       ┞───┐            ┞───┐
//  ╎ A │         ╎ A │       ╎ A │            ╎ A │
//  ┟───┘         ┟───┘       ┟───┘            ┟───┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛           ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓           ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞───┐         ┞───┐       ┞───┐            ┞───┐
//  ╎ A │         ╎ A │       ╎ A │            ╎ A │
//  ┟───┘         ┟───┘       ┟───┘            ┟───┘
//  ┃ introSnd[A] ┞───┐       ┞───┐ elimSnd[A] ┃
//  ┃             ╎One│       ╎One│            ┃
//  ┃             ┟───┘       ┟───┘            ┃
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛           ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def introFst[A]: A -⚬ (One |*| A)
def introSnd[A]: A -⚬ (A |*| One)
def elimFst[A]: (One |*| A) -⚬ A
def elimSnd[A]: (A |*| One) -⚬ A

Soon we are going to see useful cases of adding and removing Ones.

Since there is no flow of information through One, there is also no causal dependency through One-typed ports. This means, for example, that in

┃         ╎             ├───┐       ┞───┐
┃         ╎             ╎One│   g   ╎ B │
┃         ╎             ├───┘       ┟───┘
┃    f    ╎ introFst[C] ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
┞───┐     ├───┐         ├───┐       ┞───┐
╎ A │     ╎ C │         ╎ C │ id[C] ╎ C │
┟───┘     ├───┘         ├───┘       ┟───┘

there is no causal dependence of g on anything in f going through the introFst[C] component.


By a signal we mean a notification that some event has occurred. The signal itself carries no information about the event, though, it only signals that the event has occurred.

There are 4 types of signals, differing in the direction of travel and/or whether they can be dismissed:

Non-dismissible Dismissible
Positive (left-to-right) Done Ping
Negative (right-to-left) Need Pong

Signals are useful for creating causal dependencies: one component might wait for a signal from another component before proceeding with further processing. For example, the signal might signal completion of a request and further processing might be accepting another request, effectively sequencing request processing.

For someone used to Future and Promise, it might be helpful, despite important differences, to initially view

Immediate signals

There are primitive components that fire a signal immediately. More precisely, as soon as it is certain that they will be executed (but we haven't seen any conditional operators yet). These are

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓     ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┃            ┞────┐    ┞────┐         ┃     ┃            ┞────┐    ┞────┐         ┃
//  ┃    done    ╎Done│    ╎Need│  need   ┃     ┃    ping    ╎Ping│    ╎Pong│  pong   ┃
//  ┃            ┟────┘    ┟────┘         ┃     ┃            ┟────┘    ┟────┘         ┃
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛     ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def done: One -⚬ Done
def need: Need -⚬ One
def ping: One -⚬ Ping
def pong: Pong -⚬ One

Non-dismissible signals

Done and Need are non-dismissible: once created, they have to be used (typically as a trigger for another action). In this way, an incoming non-dismissible signal, whether Done incoming from the left or Need incoming from the right, is a liability.

Done and Need are used to transfer the obligation to wait for a running task. Ignoring such a signal would mean losing track of the running task, which is a resource leak, and thus is prohibited.

Dismissible signals

Ping and Pong are used to signal completion of a task, but do not transfer the obligation to await that task, because someone else is already keeping track of it.

The receiver of Ping or Pong may ignore the signal using

def dismissPing: Ping -⚬ One
def dismissPong: One -⚬ Pong

Forking and joining signals

Forking a signal means that as soon as the signal arrives, two new signals are fired.

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┃   fork   ┞────┐    ┃ forkPing ┞────┐    ┞────┐     ┃         ┞────┐     ┃
//  ┃          ╎Done│    ┃          ╎Ping│    ╎Need│     ┃         ╎Pong│     ┃
//  ┞────┐     ┟────┘    ┞────┐     ┟────┘    ┟────┘     ┞────┐    ┟────┘     ┞────┐
//  ╎Done│     ┃         ╎Ping│     ┃         ┃ forkNeed ╎Need│    ┃ forkPong ╎Pong│
//  ┟────┘     ┞────┐    ┟────┘     ┞────┐    ┞────┐     ┟────┘    ┞────┐     ┟────┘
//  ┃          ╎Done│    ┃          ╎Ping│    ╎Need│     ┃         ╎Pong│     ┃
//  ┃          ┟────┘    ┃          ┟────┘    ┟────┘     ┃         ┟────┘     ┃
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛

def fork     : Done -⚬ (Done |*| Done)
def forkPing : Ping -⚬ (Ping |*| Ping)
def forkNeed : (Need |*| Need) -⚬ Need
def forkPong : (Pong |*| Pong) -⚬ Pong

Remember that Need and Pong travel from right to left, so forkNeed and forkPong have one signal coming in from the right and two signals coming out on the left.

Joining two signals means to fire a signal as soon as both signals arrive.

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞────┐     ┃         ┞────┐     ┃         ┃ joinNeed ┞────┐    ┃ joinPong ┞────┐
//  ╎Done│     ┃         ╎Ping│     ┃         ┃          ╎Need│    ┃          ╎Pong│
//  ┟────┘     ┞────┐    ┟────┘     ┞────┐    ┞────┐     ┟────┘    ┞────┐     ┟────┘
//  ┃   join   ╎Done│    ┃ joinPing ╎Ping│    ╎Need│     ┃         ╎Pong│     ┃
//  ┞────┐     ┟────┘    ┞────┐     ┟────┘    ┟────┘     ┞────┐    ┟────┘     ┞────┐
//  ╎Done│     ┃         ╎Ping│     ┃         ┃          ╎Need│    ┃          ╎Pong│
//  ┟────┘     ┃         ┟────┘     ┃         ┃          ┟────┘    ┃          ┟────┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛

def join     : (Done |*| Done) -⚬ Done
def joinPing : (Ping |*| Ping) -⚬ Ping
def joinNeed : Need -⚬ (Need |*| Need)
def joinPong : Pong -⚬ (Pong |*| Pong)

Again, since Need and Pong travel from right to left, joinNeed and joinPong have two signals coming in from the right and one signal coming out on the left

Inverting signals

There are primitives to invert the direction of a signal.

A signal traveling to the left (Need, Pong) can be changed to the respective signal traveling to the right (Done, Ping).

A signal traveling to the right (Done, Ping) can be changed to the respective signal traveling to the left (Need, Pong).

//  lInvertSignal           rInvertSignal      lInvertPongPing        rInvertPingPong
//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓             ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓      ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓             ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┃          ┃             ┃          ┃      ┃          ┃             ┃          ┃
//  ┃          ┞────┐        ┞────┐     ┃      ┃          ┞────┐        ┞────┐     ┃
//  ┃       ┌┄┄╎Need│←┄    ┄→╎Done│┄┄┐  ┃      ┃       ┌┄┄╎Pong│←┄    ┄→╎Ping│┄┄┐  ┃
//  ┃       ┆  ┟────┘        ┟────┘  ┆  ┃      ┃       ┆  ┟────┘        ┟────┘  ┆  ┃
//  ┃       ┆  ┃             ┃       ┆  ┃      ┃       ┆  ┃             ┃       ┆  ┃
//  ┃       ┆  ┞────┐        ┞────┐  ┆  ┃      ┃       ┆  ┞────┐        ┞────┐  ┆  ┃
//  ┃       └┄→╎Done│┄→    ←┄╎Need│←┄┘  ┃      ┃       └┄→╎Ping│┄→    ←┄╎Pong│←┄┘  ┃
//  ┃          ┟────┘        ┟────┘     ┃      ┃          ┟────┘        ┟────┘     ┃
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛             ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛      ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛             ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛

def lInvertSignal   : One -⚬ (Need |*| Done)
def rInvertSignal   : (Done |*| Need) -⚬ One
def rInvertPingPong : (Ping |*| Pong) -⚬ One
def lInvertPongPing : One -⚬ (Pong |*| Ping)

Using these, we can always move a signal to the other side of the -⚬ arrow while changing its direction. For example, given

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┞────┐       ┃
 *  ╎Done│       ┃
 *  ┟────┘   f   ┃
 *  ┞────┐       ┞────┐
 *  ╎ A  │       ╎ B  │
 *  ┟────┘       ┟────┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def f: (Done |*| A) -⚬ B =

we can always obtain

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┃             ┞────┐
 *  ┃             ╎Need│
 *  ┃       g     ┟────┘
 *  ┞────┐        ┞────┐
 *  ╎ A  │        ╎ B  │
 *  ┟────┘        ┟────┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def g: A -⚬ (Need |*| B) =

roughly like this

┃ lInvertSignal ├────┐ id[Need] ┞────┐
┃          ┌┄┄┄┄╎Need│←┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄╎Need│←┄
┃          ┆    ├────┘          ┟────┘
┃          ┆    ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
┃          ┆    ├────┐          ┃
┃          └┄┄┄→╎Done│          ┃
┃               ├────┘          ┃
┠╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤       f       ┃
┞───┐           ├───┐           ┞───┐
╎ A │   id[A]   ╎ A │           ╎ B │
┟───┘           ├───┘           ┟───┘

and precisely (including all the necessary glue) like this

/*  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
 *  ┃             ╎ lInvertSignal ├────┐         ├────┐          ┞────┐
 *  ┃ introFst[A] ├───┐           ╎Need│         ╎Need│ id[Need] ╎Need│
 *  ┃             ╎One│           ╎ ⊗  │         ├────┘          ┟────┘
 *  ┃             ├───┘           ╎Done│         ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
 *  ┃             ╎               ├────┘         ├────┐          ┃
 *  ┃             ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤    assocLR   ╎Done│          ┃
 *  ┞───┐         ├───┐           ├───┐          ╎ ⊗  │    f     ┞───┐
 *  ╎ A │         ╎ A │   id[A]   ╎ A │          ╎ A  │          ╎ B │
 *  ┟───┘         ├───┘           ├───┘          ├────┘          ┟───┘
 *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def g: A -⚬ (Need |*| B) =
  introFst[A] > par(lInvertSignal, id[A]) > assocLR > par(id[Need], f)

We can also use λ-syntax:

def g: A -⚬ (Need |*| B) =
  λ { a =>
    val (a1 |*| (need |*| done)) =
      a also lInvertSignal
    need |*| f(done |*| a1)

Either (⊕)

Type A ⊕ B (in code we use A |+| B for easier typing and better intelligibility) means either A or B (but not both), and which one it is going to be is decided by the component on the left. In other words, a component that has A ⊕ B as an out-port decides whether the interaction will continue as A or as B, while a component that has A ⊕ B as an in-port has to be able to handle either case. That is, the decision flows from left to right (the positive direction).

Primitives for making the decision (introducing |+|) are

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓               ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞───┐          ┞───┐           ┃              ┞───┐
//  ╎ A │          ╎ A │           ┃ injectR[A,B] ╎ A │
//  ┟───┘          ╎ ⊕ │           ┞───┐          ╎ ⊕ │
//  ┃ injectL[A,B] ╎ B │           ╎ B │          ╎ B │
//  ┃              ┟───┘           ┟───┘          ┟───┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛               ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def injectL[A, B]: A -⚬ (A |+| B)
def injectR[A, B]: B -⚬ (A |+| B)

These are analogous to Scala's Left(a) and Right(b) constructors of Either[A, B].

The primitive for handling the actually chosen side (eliminating |+|) is

/**  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  *  ┞───┬──────────┨
  *  ╎ A ╷    f     ┞───┐
  *  ╎ ⊕ ├──────────╎ C │
  *  ╎ B ╵    g     ┟───┘
  *  ┟───┴──────────┨
  *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def either[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ C, g: B -⚬ C): (A |+| B) -⚬ C

It is analogous to Scala's Either#fold(f: A => C, g: B => C): C.

Once it is decided which case it is going to be, the corresponding component, f or g, is executed:

  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓                          ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  ┞───┬────────╮ ┃                          ┞───┐          ┃
  ╎*A*╎   f    ╰─╀───┐                      ╎ A │     ╭────╀───┐
  ╎ ⊕ ├─────╮    ╎ C │                      ╎ ⊕ ├─────╯    ╎ C │
  ╎ B │     ╰────╁───┘                      ╎*B*╎   g    ╭─╁───┘
  ┟───┘          ┃                          ┟───┴────────╯ ┃
  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                          ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

☝️ Note, however, that in either(f > h, g > h), the common part, h, is certain to be executed in either case, and thus may start executing even before the |+| is decided. Indeed, it must hold that

either(f > h, g > h) = either(f, g) > h

Choice (&)

Type A & B (we use A |&| B in code to avoid confusion with the bitwise and operator in Scala, and for consistency with |*| and |+|) means an exclusive choice between A and B. The component to the right of A & B, i.e. the one that has A & B as an in-port, gets to choose whether the interaction with the component to the left will continue as A or as B. The component to the left of A & B, i.e. the one that has A & B as an out-port, has to be able to provide either of them (but not both of them simultaneously). That is, the decision flows from right to left (the negative direction).

Primitives for choosing one of the options (eliminating |&|) are

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓               ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞───┐              ┞───┐           ┞───┐              ┃
//  ╎ A │              ╎ A │           ╎ A │              ┃
//  ╎ & │ chooseL[A,B] ┟───┘           ╎ & │ chooseR[A,B] ┞───┐
//  ╎ B │              ┃               ╎ B │              ╎ B │
//  ┟───┘              ┃               ┟───┘              ┟───┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛               ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def chooseL[A, B]: (A |&| B) -⚬ A
def chooseR[A, B]: (A |&| B) -⚬ B

They are somewhat analogous to _1, _2 methods on Scala's 2-tuple, except as if by using _1 you give up the chance to ever access _2, and vice versa.

The primitive for offering a choice (introducing |&|) is

/**  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  *  ┃   ┌──────────╀───┐
  *  ┞───┤    f     ╷ B │
  *  ╎ A ├──────────┤ & │
  *  ┟───┤    g     ╵ C │
  *  ┃   └──────────┟───┘
  *  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def choice[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ B, g: A -⚬ C): A -⚬ (B |&| C)

Once the choice is made from the right, the corresponding component, f or g, is executed:

  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓                      ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  ┃     ╭────────╀───┐                  ┃              ┞───┐
  ┞───┬─╯   f    ╎*B*│                  ┞───┬─────╮    ╎ B │
  ╎ A ╎    ╭─────┤ & │                  ╎ A ╎     ╰────┤ & │
  ┟───┴────╯     │ C │                  ┟───┴─╮   g    │*C*│
  ┃              ┟───┘                  ┃     ╰────────╁───┘
  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                      ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

☝️ Note, however, that in choice(h > f, h > g), the common part, h, is certain to be executed in either case, and thus may start executing even before the |&| is decided. Indeed, it must hold that

choice(h > f, h > g) = h > choice(f, g)

Distributivity of ⊗ over ⊕

The tensor product ⊗ distributes over ⊕:

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓                        ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞─┐              ┞───┐                    ┞─┐              ┞───┐
//  ╎A│              ╎⎛A⎞│                    ╎A│              ╎⎛A⎞│
//  ┟─┘              ╎⎜⊗⎟│                    ╎⊕│              ╎⎜⊗⎟│
//  ┃                ╎⎝B⎠│                    ╎B│              ╎⎝C⎠│
//  ┞─┐ distributeL  ╎ ⊕ │                    ┟─┘ distributeR  ╎ ⊕ │
//  ╎B│              ╎⎛A⎞│                    ┃                ╎⎛B⎞│
//  ╎⊕│              ╎⎜⊗⎟│                    ┞─┐              ╎⎜⊗⎟│
//  ╎C│              ╎⎝C⎠│                    ╎C│              ╎⎝C⎠│
//  ┟─┘              ┟───┘                    ┟─┘              ┟───┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                        ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def distributeL[A, B, C]: (A |*| (B |+| C)) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| C))
def distributeR[A, B, C]: ((A |+| B) |*| C) -⚬ ((A |*| C) |+| (B |*| C))

These are primitives (actually, one of them is sufficient thanks to symmetry of ⊗). Note that arrows in the opposite direction need not be primitives, as they are always available:

def factorL[A, B, C]: ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| C)) -⚬ (A |*| (B |+| C)) =
  either(par(id, injectL), par(id, injectR))

def factorR[A, B, C]: ((A |*| C) |+| (B |*| C)) -⚬ ((A |+| B) |*| C) =
  either(par(injectL, id), par(injectR, id))

Co-distributivity of ⊗ over &

The tensor product ⊗ distributes over & as well, only in the opposite (right-to-left) direction. This is consistent with the choice being made on the right of A |&| B and being propagated to the left. It is therefore helpful to read the following components from right to left to see how one out-port is being distributed over the choice in the other out-port.

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓                        ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞───┐               ┞─┐                      ┞───┐               ┞─┐
//  ╎⎛A⎞│               ╎A│                      ╎⎛A⎞│               ╎A│
//  ╎⎜⊗⎟│               ┟─┘                      ╎⎜⊗⎟│               ╎&│
//  ╎⎝B⎠│               ┃                        ╎⎝C⎠│               ╎B│
//  ╎ & │ coDistributeL ┞─┐                      ╎ & │ coDistributeR ┟─┘
//  ╎⎛A⎞│               ╎B│                      ╎⎛B⎞│               ┃
//  ╎⎜⊗⎟│               ╎&│                      ╎⎜⊗⎟│               ┞─┐
//  ╎⎝C⎠│               ╎C│                      ╎⎝C⎠│               ╎C│
//  ┟───┘               ┟─┘                      ┟───┘               ┟─┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                        ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def coDistributeL[A, B, C]: ((A |*| B) |&| (A |*| C)) -⚬ (A |*| (B |&| C))
def coDistributeR[A, B, C]: ((A |*| C) |&| (B |*| C)) -⚬ ((A |&| B) |*| C)

The intuition behind coDistributeL above is this: Only after the choice between B and C is made (from the right) is it decided how the A on the other out-port is produced, namely, whether it is the A from A ⊗ B or the A from A ⊗ C.

At least one of these needs to be a primitive (the other one can be obtained thanks to symmetry of ⊗). Note that arrows in the opposite direction need not be primitives, as they are always available:

def coFactorL[A, B, C]: (A |*| (B |&| C)) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |&| (A |*| C)) =
  choice(par(id, chooseL), par(id, chooseR))

def coFactorR[A, B, C]: ((A |&| B) |*| C) -⚬ ((A |*| C) |&| (B |*| C)) =
  choice(par(chooseL, id), par(chooseR, id))

Linearity and point-free style

When composing components into larger components, it would be undesirable if somewhere inside a composite component some ports remained unconnected or accidentally connected multiple times.

The property of each port being connected exactly once is called linearity—data and resources flow through the system in a linear fashion, without being duplicated or ignored (except via explicit operators for precisely that purpose).

In Libretto, linearity is ensured by construction. Data types used to represent Libretto programs are simply unable to represent non-linear programs. Notice how in composition operations, each port of a sub-program either is connected (and thus absent from the resulting program's interface) or becomes a port of the resulting composite program.

Notice how the way we have been composing Libretto programs so far is like composing Scala functions in point-free style, i.e. when one defines functions by composing smaller functions, without ever referring to the function's input variables. For a moment, forget the differences between -⚬ and => and view in-ports as function inputs. In Libretto, we define the (linear) function without ever having access to the inputs as Scala values. Indeed, user code will never have access to values of types like One, Done, Need, A |*| B, A |+| B, A & B or others that we will encounter later(*). If it did, it would break linearity, because Scala functions can freely ignore or duplicate (references to) values.

Using point-free composition guarantees linearity at compile-time.

(*) Moreover, not only are values of the above types not accessible to a user, the types themselves may be uninhabited. Indeed, they are all uninhabited in the proof-of-concept implementation. This should not be surprising when you realize that Libretto's linear functions are mere blueprints. What then flows in a running system when the blueprint is executed need not be values of the auxiliary formal types used in blueprints.


Although point-free composition has the desirable property of ensuring linearity at compile-time, it can be quite cumbersome. It takes a lot of effort to just say which out-port should be connected to which in-port.

That is something that would be easier in a point-full style: just name the ports and "pass" them to functions to obtain new ports. No explicit swaps or re-associations that obscure the essence of the program. That is what lambda expressions are for.

Let's illustrate lambda expressions on an example.

Suppose we want to implement a function reorg that just reorganizes its in-ports:

val reorg: ((A |*| B) |*| (C |*| D)) -⚬ (((C |*| A) |*| D) |*| B) =

For comparison, let's first do it in point-free style:

val reorg: ((A |*| B) |*| (C |*| D)) -⚬ (((C |*| A) |*| D) |*| B) =
  fst(swap) > assocLR > swap > fst(assocRL > fst(swap))

Well, it is a one-liner, but it is not immediately clear what it does.

Let's now use a λ-expression instead:

val reorg: ((A |*| B) |*| (C |*| D)) -⚬ (((C |*| A) |*| D) |*| B) =
  λ { case ((a |*| b) |*| (c |*| d)) => (((c |*| a) |*| d) |*| b) }

Opinions may vary, but I would say the λ version is more readable.

How it works

But what is going on here? A moment ago we said that we don't ever access inputs of a Libretto function as Scala values, yet here we construct a Libretto function

((A |*| B) |*| (C |*| D)) -⚬ (((C |*| A) |*| D) |*| B)

from a Scala function

{ case ((a |*| b) |*| (c |*| d)) => (((c |*| a) |*| d) |*| b) }

Let's look at the type signature of λ:

def λ[A, B](f: $[A] => $[B]): A -⚬ B

Indeed, it takes a Scala function and returns a Libretto function. Notice, however, that to create a Libretto function A -⚬ B, it takes a Scala function $[A] => $[B]. In particular, the Scala function does not have access to a value of type A. It has access to $[A], which is an auxiliary type that exists at the meta level only.

The programmer's task is to construct an expression of type $[B] from an expression of type $[A]. The implementation of λ then analyzes the resulting $[B] expression (which contains occurrences of the input variable $[A]) and infers a (point-free) Libretto function A -⚬ B.

Operations on $-expressions

// given
val f: A -⚬ C   = ???
val g: One -⚬ D = ???
val h: B -⚬ One = ???

λ { (ab: $[A |*| B]) =>
  // unpair
  val ((a: $[A]) |*| (b: $[B])) = ab

  // pair again
  val ab1: $[A |*| B] = a |*| b

  // pass expression `a` to Libretto function `f`
  val c1: $[C] = a > f
  // or equivalently, apply Libretto function `f` to expression `a`
  val c2: $[C] = f(a)

  val ((a2: $[A]) |*| (d: $[D])) =
    // `one: $[One]` is a constant expression (i.e. not built from other expressions)
    // that can be used as an argument to functions taking `One`, such as `g`
    a |*| g(one)
    // Without `one`, we could equivalently write
    a also g
    // which is a shortcut for
    a > introSnd > snd(g)

  // `alsoElim` is shortcut for eliminating `$[One]`
  val a3: $[A] = a alsoElim h(b)
  // equivalent to
  (a |*| h(b)) > elimSnd

Linearity checking

The Scala function $[A] => $[B] passed to λ is not guaranteed to be linear, i.e. it may use some part of input more than once or not at all.

Remember that a Libretto function A -⚬ B can represent only linear functions. If a non-linear Scala function is passed to λ, it throws an error. Notice that this error is thrown at assembly time, i.e. when constructing the Libretto program, in particular, before running the Libretto program.

val overusedInput: A -⚬ (A |*| A) =
  λ { a => a |*| a }
// libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$NotLinearException: Variables used more than once: 
//  - The variable bound by lambda expression at
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$.libretto$scaletto$impl$FreeScaletto$$$raiseError(FreeScaletto.scala:714)
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$$anon$6.compile(FreeScaletto.scala:582)
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$$anon$6.apply(FreeScaletto.scala:556)
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$$anon$6.apply(FreeScaletto.scala:555)
// 	at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.$init$$$anonfun$1(
val unusedInput: (A |*| B) -⚬ A =
  λ { case (a |*| b) => a }
// libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$NotLinearException: Variables not fully consumed: 
//  - The second half of untupling at
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$.libretto$scaletto$impl$FreeScaletto$$$raiseError(FreeScaletto.scala:715)
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$$anon$6.compile(FreeScaletto.scala:582)
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$$anon$6.apply(FreeScaletto.scala:556)
// 	at libretto.scaletto.impl.FreeScaletto$$anon$6.apply(FreeScaletto.scala:555)
// 	at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp.$init$$$anonfun$2(

It is trivial to do linearity checking of programs constructed using λ-expressions in tests. The test just needs to assemble the program without throwing an exception.

If this is the main program

object MyApp {
  import scala.concurrent.duration.*

  val prg: Done -⚬ Done =
    λ { start =>
      // some complex program composed of many sub-programs
      start > delay(1.hour)

then in tests it is sufficient to just access the val holding the program to check that it can be successfully constructed.


If the program is constructed at all, it will not throw a linearity error at runtime.


Recursive types

To define recursive port-types, there is Rec[F[_]] type constructor provided as a primitive:

type Rec[F[_]]

/** Hides one level of a recursive type definition. */
def pack[F[_]]: F[Rec[F]] -⚬ Rec[F]

/** Unpacks one level of a recursive type definition. */
def unpack[F[_]]: Rec[F] -⚬ F[Rec[F]]

(Note that Rec is analogous to the Fix type constructor.)

You can roughly think of the abstract type Rec[F[_]] as if it was a recursive type alias type Rec[F[_]] = F[Rec[F]]. We just have to do the substitution in either direction explicitly via pack and unpack.

As an example, let's define a List type:

//         +-------- element type
//         |    +--- marks occurrences of recursive substructure(s), in this case the tail sub-list
//         |    |     +-- nil     +-- cons
//         |    |     | head --+  |   +-- tail
//         |    |     |        |  |   |
//         V    V     V        V  V   V
type ListF[A, Self] = One |+| (A |*| Self)
type List[A] = Rec[ListF[A, *]] // the * is kind-projector syntax for type lambdas,

and the nil and cons constructors:

object List {
  def nil[A]: One -⚬ List[A] =
    injectL > pack[ListF[A, _]]

  //     head --+       +-- tail
  //            |       |
  //            V       V
  def cons[A]: (A |*| List[A]) -⚬ List[A] =
    injectR > pack[ListF[A, _]]


Recursive functions

To work with recursive structures we need recursive functions.

The general recipe for handling a recursive type Rec[F] is

  1. "Pretend" we already know how to handle the nested Rec[F] substructure(s).
  2. Unpack one level of the recursive definition to obtain F[Rec[F].
  3. Write code to handle F[Rec[F]], using the made up linear function to handle nested occurrences of Rec[F].

The "pretending" is done by taking a linear function as an argument. More concretely, instead of constructing a linear function Rec[F] -⚬ B directly, we write a Scala function (Rec[F] -⚬ B) => (Rec[F] -⚬ B) that constructs the desired linear function given a linear function of the same signature that it can use to handle substructures. Such Scala function can then be passed to the primitive rec function that "ties the loop" and produces the desired linear function Rec[F] -⚬ B:

def rec[A, B](f: (A -⚬ B) => (A -⚬ B)): A -⚬ B

As an example, let's define a linear function that applies a given linear function to each element of a List (defined above).

object List {
  def map[A, B](f: A -⚬ B): List[A] -⚬ List[B] = {
    //                         +-- pretending we already know how to map the tail
    //                         |
    //                         V
    rec[List[A], List[B]] { (mapTail: List[A] -⚬ List[B]) =>
      unpack > either(
        par(f, mapTail) > cons[B],



Libretto provides functions for testing which of two concurrent signals arrived first.

The two basic racing operations are on dismissible signals, Ping and Pong:

def racePair   : (Ping |*| Ping) -⚬ (One |+| One)
def selectPair : (One |&| One) -⚬ (Pong |*| Pong)

In racePair, the two Ping signals from the in-port race against each other. If the first signal wins, the output will be left. If the second signal wins, the output will be right.

In selectPair, the two Pong signals from the out-port race against each other. If the first signal wins, left will be chosen from the input. If the second signal wins, right will be chosen from the input.

In both cases, both signals are consumed: the winning one has fired, the slower one is dismissed.

Only one of these operations needs to be a primitive, the other one is derivable using signal inversions discussed above.

There are also versions for non-dismissible signals (Done and Need):

def raceDone   : (Done |*| Done) -⚬ (Done |+| Done)
def selectNeed : (Need |&| Need) -⚬ (Need |*| Need)

The main difference is that only the winning signal is consumed by the race. The slower signal still has to be awaited at some point, so it is propagated to the other side of -⚬:

There are additional library functions for racing built on top of these, provided for convenience.

Racing is a source of non-determinism

The order of two concurrently occurring events is undefined. The outcome of a racing operation on two concurrent events will therefore be non-deterministic. The non-determinism is propagated by proceeding differently for different winners of the race.

Using Scala values and functions

Libretto provides means to use immutable Scala values and total Scala functions in Libretto programs.

The type Val[A] represents a Scala value of type A flowing in the positive direction (i.e. along the -⚬). Similarly, the type Neg[A] represents a Scala value of type A flowing in the negative direction (i.e. against the -⚬).

For a first approximation, Val[A] can be thought of as Future[A] and Neg[A] can be thought of as Promise[A].

To initially get some Scala values into a Libretto program, we bake them in during assembly using the primitives

def constVal[A](a: A): Done -⚬ Val[A]
def constNeg[A](a: A): Neg[A] -⚬ Need

Notice the incoming signals, Done and Need, respectively. Given that signals cannot be ignored, the responsibility to handle a signal is transformed into a responsibility to handle a Scala value. This is OK, because Scala values cannot be completely ignored, either. Doing so would mean to lose track of an ongoing potentially expensive computation and thus a resource leak.

However, the particular value inside Val or Neg can be ignored; we just have to keep the liability to await the computation. For this purpose, there are primitives to convert Scala values into signals:

def neglect[A]: Val[A] -⚬ Done
def inflate[A]: Need -⚬ Neg[A]

On the other hand, values can be duplicated, using

def dup   [A]: Val[A] -⚬ (Val[A] |*| Val[A])
def dupNeg[A]: (Neg[A] |*| Neg[A]) -⚬ Neg[A]

Because of this ability to duplicate values, it is preferable to use only immutable values.

To apply a Scala function to a Scala value inside a Libretto program, we can use one of the primitives

def       mapVal[A, B](f: A => B): Val[A] -⚬ Val[B]
def contramapNeg[A, B](f: A => B): Neg[B] -⚬ Neg[A]

Note that the Scala functions used must be total, that is they must always terminate and never throw an exception.

It is preferable that the used functions also be pure, but benign side-effects are OK. Just note that it is undefined on which thread the function will execute, and that it may as well not execute at all.

We can convert between Scala pairs and Libretto concurrent pairs using

def   liftPair[A, B]: Val[(A, B)] -⚬ (Val[A] |*| Val[B])
def unliftPair[A, B]: (Val[A] |*| Val[B]) -⚬ Val[(A, B)]

def   liftNegPair[A, B]: Neg[(A, B)] -⚬ (Neg[A] |*| Neg[B])
def unliftNegPair[A, B]: (Neg[A] |*| Neg[B]) -⚬ Neg[(A, B)]

We can lift a decision made by Scala code into Libretto via

def liftEither[A, B]: Val[Either[A, B]] -⚬ (Val[A] |+| Val[B])

Just like signals, the direction of Scala values can be inverted:

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓                   ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┃  promise[A]   ┃                   ┃  fulfill[A]   ┃
//  ┃               ┞──────┐            ┞──────┐        ┃
//  ┃            ┌┄┄╎Neg[A]│←┄        ┄→╎Val[A]│┄┄┐     ┃
//  ┃            ┆  ┟──────┘            ┟──────┘  ┆     ┃
//  ┃            ┆  ┃                   ┃         ┆     ┃
//  ┃            ┆  ┞──────┐            ┞──────┐  ┆     ┃
//  ┃            └┄→╎Val[A]│┄→        ←┄╎Neg[A]│←┄┘     ┃
//  ┃               ┟──────┘            ┟──────┘        ┃
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

def promise[A]: One -⚬ (Neg[A] |*| Val[A])
def fulfill[A]: (Val[A] |*| Neg[A]) -⚬ One

Inverse Types

We have seen that some types of interaction come in pairs, where one is the inverse of the other, meaning that the information flow in one is exactly opposite the information flow in the other.

Examples that we have encountered so far:

type inverse type
Done Need
Ping Pong
Val[A] Neg[A]
One One

We can obtain bigger types that are inverses of each other by forming concurrent pairs:

type inverse type
Done |*| Ping Need |*| Pong
Val[A] |*| (Neg[B] |*| Need) Neg[A] |*| (Val[B] |*| Done)
... ...

Duality of ⊕ and &

⊕ and & are also inverses of each other: - in A |+| B, the decision of which branch will proceed is passed from left to right; - in A |&| B, the decision is passed from right to left.

type inverse type
Done |+| Val[A] Need |&| Neg[A]
... ...

Universal Inversions

There is a special type constructor, -[_], whose meaning is that -[A] is the inverse of A. We also say that -[A] is a demand for A.

It works universally for all types A. This is convenient, as to talk about the inverse of some complex type A we don't have to manually spell out what its inverse would be. We can just use -[A] to refer to the inverse of A.

The downside is that types now have two inverses. For example, both Need and -[Done] are inverses of Done. However, these are isomorphic and one can go back and forth between these without changing the semantics of the program.

There are some primitive operations for working with inverses.

  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓               ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  ┃ demand[A] ┃               ┃  supply[A]  ┃
  ┃           ┞────┐          ┞────┐        ┃
  ┃        ┌┄┄╎-[A]│          ╎  A │┄┄┐     ┃
  ┃        ┆  ┟────┘          ┟────┘  ┆     ┃
  ┃        ┆  ┃               ┃       ┆     ┃
  ┃        ┆  ┞────┐          ┞────┐  ┆     ┃
  ┃        └┄→╎  A │          ╎-[A]│←┄┘     ┃
  ┃           ┟────┘          ┟────┘        ┃
  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛               ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def demand[A]: One -⚬ (-[A] |*| A)
def supply[A]: (A |*| -[A]) -⚬ One

Notice the similarity with the inverting operations that we have seen before:

  demand[A]            promise[A]             lInvertSignal        lInvertPongPing
┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓        ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓            ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃           ┞────┐   ┃           ┞──────┐     ┃          ┞────┐    ┃          ┞────┐
┃        ┌┄┄╎-[A]│   ┃        ┌┄┄╎Neg[A]│←┄   ┃       ┌┄┄╎Need│←┄  ┃       ┌┄┄╎Pong│←┄
┃        ┆  ┟────┘   ┃        ┆  ┟──────┘     ┃       ┆  ┟────┘    ┃       ┆  ┟────┘
┃        ┆  ┃        ┃        ┆  ┃            ┃       ┆  ┃         ┃       ┆  ┃
┃        ┆  ┞────┐   ┃        ┆  ┞──────┐     ┃       ┆  ┞────┐    ┃       ┆  ┞────┐
┃        └┄→╎  A │   ┃        └┄→╎Val[A]│┄→   ┃       └┄→╎Done│┄→  ┃       └┄→╎Ping│┄→
┃           ┟────┘   ┃           ┟──────┘     ┃          ┟────┘    ┃          ┟────┘
┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛        ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛            ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛

   supply[A]            fulfill[A]            rInvertSignal       rInvertPingPong
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓      ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓         ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
┞────┐        ┃      ┞──────┐       ┃         ┞────┐     ┃         ┞────┐     ┃
╎  A │┄┄┐     ┃    ┄→╎Val[A]│┄┄┐    ┃       ┄→╎Done│┄┄┐  ┃       ┄→╎Ping│┄┄┐  ┃
┟────┘  ┆     ┃      ┟──────┘  ┆    ┃         ┟────┘  ┆  ┃         ┟────┘  ┆  ┃
┃       ┆     ┃      ┃         ┆    ┃         ┃       ┆  ┃         ┃       ┆  ┃
┞────┐  ┆     ┃      ┞──────┐  ┆    ┃         ┞────┐  ┆  ┃         ┞────┐  ┆  ┃
╎-[A]│←┄┘     ┃    ←┄╎Neg[A]│←┄┘    ┃       ←┄╎Need│←┄┘  ┃       ←┄╎Pong│←┄┘  ┃
┟────┘        ┃      ┟──────┘       ┃         ┟────┘     ┃         ┟────┘     ┃
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛      ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛         ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛

Then there are primitives for splitting and joining inversions:

  demandSeparately        demandTogether
  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓           ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  ┃           ┞────┐      ┞────┐      ┃
  ┞────┐      ╎-[A]│      ╎-[A]│      ┞────┐
  ╎ ⎡A⎤│      ┟────┘      ┟────┘      ╎ ⎡A⎤│
  ╎-⎢⊗⎥│      ┃           ┃           ╎-⎢⊗⎥│
  ╎ ⎣B⎦│      ┞────┐      ┞────┐      ╎ ⎣B⎦│
  ┟────┘      ╎-[B]│      ╎-[B]│      ┟────┘
  ┃           ┟────┘      ┟────┘      ┃
  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛           ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def demandSeparately[A, B] : -[A |*| B] -⚬ (-[A] |*| -[B])
def demandTogether[A, B]   : (-[A] |*| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |*| B]

We can then derive other operations, like

  * ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
  * ┞───┐       ├───┐     ├────┐      ├────┐              ┃
  * ╎--A│       ╎--A│     ╎--A │      ╎ -A │              ┃
  * ┟───┘       ├───┘     ╎  ⊗ │ swap ╎  ⊗ │ supply[-[A]] ┃
  * ┠╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┤ assocRL ╎ -A │      ╎--A │              ┃
  * ┃           ├───┐     ├────┘      ├────┘              ┃
  * ┃           ╎-A │     ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┴╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
  * ┃ demand[A] ╎ ⊗ │     ├───┐                           ┞───┐
  * ┃           ╎ A │     ╎ A │                           ╎ A │
  * ┃           ├───┘     ├───┘                           ┟───┘
  * ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
def doubleDemandElimination[A]: -[-[A]] -⚬ A =
  introSnd(demand[A]) > assocRL > elimFst(swap > supply[-[A]])

or the isomorphisms between Need and -[Done], etc.

Function Objects and Higher-Order Functions

In modern programming languages we are used to functions being first-class objects that can be passed to or returned from other functions, so-called higher-order functions.

In Libretto, there, too, are function objects and higher-order functions. Unlike most functional programming languages, though, there is a syntactic distinction between

It makes sense to distinguish between the two, as they exist at different stages.

Note that A =⚬ B is not a value that can be freely used any number of times. It may have captured resources (i.e. it is a closure), and therefore must itself be treated as a resource that has to be consumed exactly once.

Note that function objects are not objects in the OOP sense. We call them objects because

Function objects are introduced by curry and eliminated by eval:

def curry[A, B, C](f: (A |*| B) -⚬ C): A -⚬ (B =⚬ C)
def eval[A, B]: ((A =⚬ B) |*| A) -⚬ B

Or we could have chosen uncurry instead of eval, but they are reducible to each other:

def uncurry[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ (B =⚬ C)): (A |*| B) -⚬ C =
  par(f, id[B]) > eval[B, C]

def eval[A, B]: ((A =⚬ B) |*| A) -⚬ B =
  uncurry(id[A =⚬ B])

Function Objects via Inversions

Interestingly, function objects in Libretto are expressible via inversions, namely

type =⚬[A, B] = -[A] |*| B

That's right, a function object A =⚬ B is just an interface of interaction which demands A and (eventually) supplies B.

In particular, it is not a callback given to someone else to execute. Instead, each side of the interface does its respective part, namely the producer of A =⚬ B receives A and produces B, whereas the consumer of A =⚬ B produces A and receives B:

    A =⚬ B
    ←┄╎-A │←┄
    ┄→╎ B │┄→

Note that there is no requirement that B is produced only after A is supplied. The plain Scala analogue would be a pair (Promise[A], Future[B]). There is no requirement that the future completes only after the promise has been fulfilled.

curry and eval are expressible in terms of demand and supply:

def curry[A, B, C](f: (A |*| B) -⚬ C): A -⚬ (B =⚬ C) =
  introFst(demand[B]) > assocLR > par(id[-[B]], swap > f)

def eval[A, B]: ((A =⚬ B) |*| A) -⚬ B =
  swap > assocRL > elimFst(supply[A])


Function objects can also be created via the λ.closure method.

def closure[A, B](f: $[A] => $[B]): $[A =⚬ B]

For comparison, here is the λ signature again:

def λ[A, B](f: $[A] => $[B]): A -⚬ B

While λ creates a Libretto function, λ.closure creates just an auxiliary expression $[A =⚬ B] that can be used from the outer λ expression.

For example, we could reimplement curry like this:

def myCurry[A, B, C](f: (A |*| B) -⚬ C): A -⚬ (B =⚬ C) =
  λ { a =>
    λ.closure { b =>
      f(a |*| b)

Notice how the argument of λ.closure captures the variable a from the outer scope, i.e. it is a closure.

Note that capturing outer variables is not allowed for λ-expressions.

Equality of Libretto programs

There are equations (laws) that hold about Libretto arrows, such as

// given
val f: A -⚬ B
val g: B -⚬ C
val h: C -⚬ D

// then

(f > g) > h = f > (g > h)

id[A] > f = f = f > id[B]
par(id[A], id[B]) = id[A |*| B]
// given
val f: A -⚬ C
val g: B -⚬ C

// then
injectL[A, B] > either(f, g) = f
// given
val f: A => B

// then
mapVal[A, B](f) > neglect[B] = neglect[A]

and many more.

But what does it mean for two Libretto programs to be equal?

Obviously, the sides of the equations above have different source code, so they are not equal at the source code level.

We say that two Libretto programs are equal if their causal dependency graphs are equivalent(*).

(*) For now let's settle for some intuitive understanding of causal dependency graphs and a suitable equivalence on them. Precise definition is left for further work.

Note that in the presence of non-determinism arising from concurrency, a single program can have multiple possible execution traces. (Again, precise definition of an execution trace is left for further work.)

A particular implementation of Libretto then determines a probability distribution of the possible execution traces of a program.

Note that it is not required of a Libretto implementation that two equal Libretto programs have the same probability distribution of execution traces, only that they have the same set of possible execution traces. In practice this means that although two programs are equal, they might exhibit statistically different behaviors.

Finally, let's give an example of two programs that look the same on the outside, but are not equal:

//  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓              ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
//  ┞────┐        ╎              ┞────┐         ┞────┐      id[Done]        ┞────┐
//  ╎Done│→┄┄┄┄┐  ╎       ┌┄┄┄┄┄→╎Done│         ╎Done│→┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄→╎Done│
//  ┟────┘     ┆  ├────┐  ┆      ┟────┘         ┟────┘                      ┟────┘
//  ┃    join  ├┄→╎Done│→┄┤ fork ┃         ≠    ┠╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┨
//  ┞────┐     ┆  ├────┘  ┆      ┞────┐         ┞────┐      id[Done]        ┞────┐
//  ╎Done│→┄┄┄┄┘  ╎       └┄┄┄┄┄→╎Done│         ╎Done│→┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄→╎Done│
//  ┟────┘        ╎              ┟────┘         ┟────┘                      ┟────┘
//  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛              ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

join > forkpar(id[Done], id[Done])

In the program on the left, each of the output signals depends on both input signals, whereas in the program on the right, each output signal depends only on the respective input signal. Clearly, their causal dependency graphs are different, and thus the programs are not equal.